As a parent, I cannot allow myself to become angry, frustrated or feel disappointment, when my children fail to connect with me. The responsibility is not there’s to connect with me, to meet me where I’m at. Jesus went to where the deepest needs were in others. He stooped down, washed dirty toes, broke bread, healed, forgave, kissed foreheads. He made Himself a servant and met those in need of shepherding where they were at. The responsibility is all mine to connect with my children, to serve, be moved by compassion to reach towards their needs. Lamentation 4:4 “The tongue of the infant clings To the roof of its mouth for thirst; The young children ask for bread, But no one breaks it for them.” It’s not my children’s role to make me feel better about myself or give me ease as a parent. I am to be a bread breaker, not a bread taker.
Aaaah, that beautiful aroma of freshly baked bread! It draws us in as it’s broken open, our imagination fires, our mouths water, our tummy anticipates. We follow the scent of our nose and can’t wait to eat of its soft, warm, usually buttery covered goodness! Is this how my little disciples feel about Jesus? Am I drawing them in with His goodness, is the substance of life which promises to fill their hungry hearts being given off of my service to them? Matthew 10:42 “And whoever gives one of these little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of a disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means lose his reward.”” Our first, little disciples need us to take the bread of Christ; His life, love, words, heart, and feed them on His goodness. To nourish thier spirits, not crush. I am to immerse myself in His person, to study, ponder and follow His ways, so that I can draw cool water from the deep well of my own heart well, and water them in His service.